Wholeness Wheel
As Christians, we are God’s new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) strengthened by His grace and the Holy Spirit to walk in newness of life toward well-being in all areas.
The seven areas of wellness grow out of our Baptism. Romans 6:4 reminds us, “We were buried therefore with [Christ] by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”
Emotional Resources
Personalized Counseling Sessions: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (marriage, parenting, grief, illness, etc)
I Trust When Dark My Road: A Lutheran View of Depression: Book by Rev. Todd Peperkorn
Suicide Prevention: Know the Risk Factors: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Writings About Emotional Well-being: Articles by Deaconess Heidi Goehmann
Relational Resources
Coffee Hour: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Third Sunday of the month)
Emergency Meal Prep: C.O.S. - Church Out Serving's community kitchen (volunteers prep meals at St. Peter's)
Ladies Aid: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (volunteer support for St. Peter's and community programs)
Intellectual and Spiritual Resources
Worship: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Sundays at 10:30 am) sermons available online
Bible study: St. Peter's Lutheran Church Small Group Sundays at 9:15 am at church
LWML: St. Peter's Lutheran Church Lutheran Women's Missionary League supporting local, national and international missions
The Word Endures Podcasts: Pastor Will Wheedon
Issues, Etc.: a syndicated radio talk show and podcast, featuring expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ
Faith Courses: Concordia Publishing House (online courses private mentoring)
Downloadable online Bible study videos: Lutheran Hour Ministries written by pastors and other professionals
Devotional Apps: Lutheran Hour Ministries
Financial Resources
Faith Life Financial: Financial Planning and Insurance
Lutheran Foundation Canada: Resources for Estate planning, etc
Free Home Budget Analysis: Lutheran Church Extension Fund
Money Management Tools: Concordia Plan Services
How To Budget On Inconsistent Income: Crown Financial Ministries
Vocational Resources
Writings About Vocational Well-being: Articles by Deaconess Heidi Goehmann
Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Vocation: Credo Magazine
Physical Resources
Healthy Life Rhythms: LCMS youthESource
The Confident Mama: Fitness and Health. No Matter What Size You Are.
Fitness Videos: 5 minutes to 1 Hour
This webpage is not intended to be a substitute for regular physical or mental health care. Please connect with a local health provider and services for regular care. If you need help finding local resources contact us.
Resources were chosen for their insight and to benefit your research. However, the views expressed are not necessarily the views of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Please read items with discretion. Pastor Dan would be happy to discuss any questions!